© Prolindo 2023

AGB Impressum Datenschutz

Second Opinions

Certainty and Transparency

There are diseases which can be treated in different ways. A second independent evaluation can be an important measure for the patient to get more certainty and transparency in their difficult situation. But for many patients obtaining a second opinion is not so easy. They fear to impair the relation with their doctor. However the importance of second opinions has been realized by modern medicine and has become a sign of quality for good medical practice. Second opinions don’t express a lack of confidence. 
A second opinion makes sense in the following situations:
  • Personal uncertainty about whether the next step is adequate.
  • Uncertainty about alleged therapies which are recommended e.g. in the press or in the internet.
  • Difficult, rare, rather unusual surgery.
  • Uncertainty concerning the qualification of the locality of treatment.
  • Unsicherheit, ob der Ort für die Behandlung wirklich qualifiziert ist.
  • There are no standard therapies and new experimental treatments are being considered.
We gladly provide competent and independent second opinions. 
Each insured person is entitled to call on another doctor. In case patients are insured for a general practioner-centred model they should contact their general practitoner in order to assure the financing.

Prolindo, Oncology- and Haematology-Team at Lindenhof Hospital

Bremgartenstrasse 119 CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland • Tel. +41 (0)31 302 15 50 Mail: info@prolindo.ch