© Prolindo 2023

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Further Counselling

The Patient as an Entire Person

Patients who have a severe disease don’t only need purely mediacal care but also additional counselling, in order to be able to cope with the shock and the strain of their illness. In order to clarify questions and to promote their personal wellbeing, the following areas can be important:
  • Looks (counselling about wearing wigs, headdress, protheses, about skincare),
  • Patient skills (finding a new normality and a new quality of life), see the passage on „Patient Skills“
  • Psychology (help in coping with difficult psychological challenges)
  • Nutrition and sport (strengthening of the organism)
  • Rehabilitation, appliances
  • Legal questions
  • Breast care nurse (specific attendance of breast cancer patients)
Prolindo offers attendance and support in all these areas in collaboration with the Lindenhof Group and with further specialists.

Prolindo, Oncology- and Haematology-Team at Lindenhof Hospital

Bremgartenstrasse 119 CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland • Tel. +41 (0)31 302 15 50 Mail: info@prolindo.ch